annuart-web est un répertoire d'art spécialement orienté sur les artistes qui utilisent comme médium : html , javascript , php , asp , flash , ascii ,mail-art... ; les association d'artistes du web ; les artistes underground , multimedia ; les Galeries virtuelles ; les institutions , musées préocupés par ces nouveaux médias.../annuart-Web is a repertory of art especially directed towards the artists who use as medium: HTML, Javascript, php, asp, flash, ASCII, mall-art...; the association of artists of the Web; the artists underground, multi-media; virtual Galleries; institutions, museums préocupés by these new media...
Search for : arts

N° 618 > directories_art / directories-UK / * / * ...
Art and Culture Web Directory
An art and culture web directory: an art directory:art, fine arts, artists and culture. A world arts and culture web directory: visual arts, performing arts, literature, film, music and philosophy web pages. Art links, arts search engine.

N° 617 > base-data / * / * / * ...
Art and Culture Web Directory
An art and culture web directory: an art directory:art, fine arts, artists and culture. A world arts and culture web directory: visual arts, performing arts, literature, film, music and philosophy web pages. Art links, arts search engine.

N° 672 > artist_art-web / festival_net / festival-FR / * ...
..-+** ~~ Les nuits savoureuses
- Urban multimedia arts festival ~~**+-..french urban multimedia arts festival

N° 1139 > artist_art-web / centers-artweb / centers-DE / * ...
.[ V4.0 // center for hardwired arts ]
CENTER FOR HARDWIRED ARTS / AUTONOMER MEDIENKUNST SERVER *** / autonomous plattform for netart/new/media art with exhibition calendar, search database, mediatheoretic and artistic workspace, non commercial context provider

N° 1140 > artist_art-web / museums-galleries-directory / directory / directory-DE ...
.[ V4.0 // center for hardwired arts ]
CENTER FOR HARDWIRED ARTS / AUTONOMER MEDIENKUNST SERVER *** / autonomous plattform for netart/new/media art with exhibition calendar, search database, mediatheoretic and artistic workspace, non commercial context provider

N° 637 > artist_art-web / project / * / * ...
::::: e x p e r i m e n t a :::::
Experimenta Media Arts presents events and projects that expand the possibilities of a wide range of experimental art works. Experimenta stages screenings, installations and performance: in cinemas, in galleries, on the internet and a variety of unco

N° 635 > artist_art-web / network / * / * ...
:éc/artS = pratiques artistiques & nouvelles technologies
éc/artS = architecture | danse | contemporary_music | design | thé@tre | poésie | urbanisme | contemporary_art | haute_couture | net_art

N° 386 > education / schools-workshops / * / * ...
Bienvenue sur @rtweb, le site Internet de l'U.F.R. Arts, Philosophie et Esthétique de l'Université Paris VIII.

N° 806 > webmasters / annuart-web_links / * / * ...
121 Zone
Arts/Visual Arts/Computer Graphics/Artists/D

N° 1887 > artist_art-web / multimedia_art-web / multimedia-FR / * ...
A²: L'association des Arts numériques contemporains.
Association dédiée aux arts numériques. Discussions, projets et expositions entre férus du digital. Que cela soit dans la photographie, le cinéma, ou encore le netart, A² s'illustre en abordant des thèmes d'actualité en rapport avec le numérique.

net art english
net art france
net art spanich
net art italie
net art deutch
Dago - sex humor art